Welcome to Nithria

Hello and welcome to Nithria the land of handmade craft. Here beautiful crafts like cards, crochet and jewellery are made.

Tuesday, 7 September 2010

New Shop

Hello all and how are you. I have opened my 3rd shop in Folksy. yes 3rd shop. As my original folksy nithria shop is jammed with Nithria goodies. I have decided to open a second shop called Nithria's Cards. This shop will be selling just cards. I will no longer be listing cards on Nithria's folksy shop. http://www.folksy.com/shops/NithriaCards

If you were wandering my second shop is Marian;s Arts. yes I am giving art a go.
This will be a very busy few weeks as well as revamping Nithria itself hope all before next year.

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