Hello all fellow Nithrians, readers and followers. How are you all this morning. I have been neglecting my blog some what. I am sorry. But I have been working on new projects.
Crochet is now being sold in my Folksy shop http://www.folksy.com/shops/NithriaCrochets. These items will be uploaded on my Nithria site soon. So here is a few items that you can buy.
I have also been working on my art Marian's Art http://www.folksy.com/shops/MariansArt. Introducing ACEO's ARTIST CARDS EDITIONS ORGINALS.
These are small art produced on 2.5in x 3.5in in any medium. They are avaialble to buy. Till next time. I sellinternationaly on Folksy so stop buy at my shops Nithria crochetshttp://www.folksy.com/shops/NithriaCrochets Nithria cardshttp://www.folksy.com/shops/NithriaCards and Nithria http://www.folksy.com/shops/Nithria